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Happy New Year 2012 Minna!

Another year was passed, and we once again move to next year, now is 2012. In general, 2011 was my most improvement year until now. I struggled with many problem at campus this year; academic, some extracurricular activities, money problem, and the most beautiful problem, LOVE :3

Yeah, love, beside beautiful, love can sometime be the most complicated things we humans ever feel. In short, i’ve found one on this year :3 hehe. And that’s the most beautiful memories of the year 😀

As for the blog life, there no such significant work this year. The problem is the busy level of my study plus my laziness, hhe. And for the extra, i’ve only managed to buy 2 gunpla last year, so few to report here ^^; Nevertheless, these are the two gunplas of last year :


The two of them are both uncomplete, mention the markings, weapons, lining, etc. Very lazy indeed haha. I’ll try to finish them after finals in this January, wish me luck fella! ^^

Okay, so what about you? Do you have some unforgettable memories last year? Mind if you sharing it here? 🙂

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,300 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

00 Gundam Complete!

It’s Friday already and I can say I have a good week 🙂 I didn’t have much task this week, although the tutor of my group only came at Monday and was replaced at the rest of the week. This is the last day of tutor case and I hope I can understand the case more thoroughly ^^

Yesterday I managed to continue building 00 Gundam and have its Twin Drive backpack  finished :p

Sorry for the bad quality here, hehe. Well the only remaining left to build are its 7swords weapon. I’m waiting for the arrival of the LED too, so when they are came, I will try the lights up of this kit ^^

Okay see yaa!

New Week, New Story

Well, it’s Monday already. Yesterday, at Saturday to Sunday, I have unforgettable moment that I experienced. It’s a loooong story so i will tell you if you want to ^^

New week means new case, let’s se what they have for us ^^ Still no progress on MG 00 Gundam due to my bussiness here hehe ^^;

Okay see ya!

Respiratory? Not Bad

First day of new system! I can say i enjoyed the tutorial proccess, the teacher was good, and my friends are so active, nice flow 🙂 First case is probably about sinusitis. Well i hope i can doing it right 😀

Well no progress on MG 00, so see you next post 🙂

Happy Ied Mubarak!

This day is 6 November 2011 in solar calendar and 10 Dzulhijjah in Islamic Lunar Calendar. In this day, we, Muslim people do a sacrifice an animal like sheep, goat, cow, or even camel in the middle east. And in this day too, is the peak moment of Hajj, the pilgrimage in Islam. So, happy Ied to all Muslim in the world ^^

Okay, back to life. It’s been raining hard since last monday, everyday is rain, usually from afternoon to evening. That made tomorrow morning feels like subzero degree ^^; I wonder if i must use my raincoat everyday and then ^^;

This day is also the last day of the short break after midterm 😥 Tomorrow is the new system, the respiratory system. It’s all about our respiration, from organ to function etc. Second most important system in human body. Okay I’ll keep my spirit up! 😀

And some news from gunpla side, today i managed to finish entire body 🙂


Very muscular eh? Yeah I like the proportion of this MG 🙂 Seems i can’t continue to build in this week since there are many agenda afterschool 😦 Okay see ya at next post!


Midterm is over, the last day was so tough. I have really hard time answering 200 question without any break. Well wish me luck, please ^^

Now, i have time to build the buddy from yesterday 🙂 Couple of hours and i already done with head and body, pure snapfitting though ^^

Maybe will post one WIP or two in the future 😀

Tomorrow, last boss!

Err, since its still midterm, maybe we better call it sub boss rather than last boss ^^ We still have finals 2 months from now.
Ookay, exam about ethics already done and just as i thought, i often use my heart to answer the question haha.
Tomorrow is the most difficult exam in this midterm, about Cardiovascular sytem. Okay than, wish me luck :p
Oh yeah, before i forget, this is the new buddy i talked about earlier

See you after tomorrow exam over 😀

Well, it’s the third day of midterm. I will have ethical exam this morning at 10 o’clock. Not really a big deal compared the test in next day :p But still, my scores are always so so in this exam. Ethic is most probably about norm, about common sense for me. So, i’m always answer it base on my ‘heart’ says haha.

Okay, got to go, wish me some luck ^^

Oh yeah, next, i will introduce you to my new buddy that just came out from nowhere, hehe 😀